Download steam might and magic 6
Download steam might and magic 6

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Take the lead in an epic story of Angels plotting to end - once and for all - an unfinished war with their ancient rivals, the Faceless.įollow the adventures of the Griffin Dynasty and their world shaping exploits, as well as the legendary Crag Hack the barbarian and Sandro the nefarious Lich, as they make an Epic comeback to the World of Ashan.ĭetermine the fates of 6 legendary factions, including the fan-favorite Knights of Haven, the Necromancers of Necropolis, and the Dark Elves of Dungeon, as well as the brand new faction, the Naga of Sanctuary. The Complete Edition includes the critically acclaimed Might & Magic Heroes VI, two original Adventure Packs and the Standalone Expansion featuring the Dark-Elf Dungeon faction.

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