The author is not a native English speaker, so please excuse the grammar/spelling errors. The guide is focused especially on Single player game, because the author plays SP only.

Charm 3: 8x Javelin Skiller Grand Charms with Life or Faster Hit Recovery to reach at least 86% Faster Hit Recovery.

Ring 2: The Stone of Jordan or Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band.Boots: Ethereal Sandstorm Trek, Waterwalk, or Aldur's Advance.Gloves: Magic gloves with +3 to Javelin and Spear Skills and 20% Increased Attack Speed (commonly known as as 3/20s) or Rare gloves with +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills, 20% Increased.Helm: Griffon's Eye socketed with a 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet.Weapon Swap: Call to Arms and Spirit Monarch.This build is perfect for maximising your Lightning damage and general